Today's faithful Christians
The Remnants in Our Days
Āl-i-’Imrān 3: 113-114
113 Not all of them are alike: Of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (For the right): They rehearse the Signs of Allāh all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.
114 They believe in Allāh and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are in the ranks of the righteous.
Sufficient historical evidences confirm the presence of faithful followers of Jesus in all centuries and places. While these groups were often persecuted by the state churches, many historical records mention that Muslim believers have been protecting them throughout centuries. In the Balkan, the descendants of the first Christians opened the doors of Constantinople to the Ottoman armies, knowing that the Muslim invaders would be closer to the Bible than the apostate Church, and hoping that the Muslims would grant them freedom of religion – what indeed happened.
The breakthrough of a return to the biblical truths and the message of Allāh’s mercy towards humanity happened in the middle of the 15th century. A global reformation had to wait for Johannes Gutenberg, who invented the letterpress in 1456 and made the Bible accessible to common people, and for Martin Luther and the great reformers, to appear on stage. Gutenberg’s spreading of the Bible was the key event for believers to clearly realize that the official Churches had been drifting away from the Biblical message.
With the time, the Reformation process has unfortunately slowed down. Most Protestant Christians have stopped “protesting” against erroneous theology and searching for new light in the Bible. Yet, some Christians kept on unveiling the errors of the church and digging after new gems of truth.
Today, there is one group that fits the description given in the Holy Books as found in Revelation 14: 6-12 and Āl-i-’Imrān 3: 113-114.
Seventh-Day Adventists understand the word “Church” in the original meaning of the Greek word ekklesía: “those who are called out”. Like Ibrāhīm / Abraham (pbuh) who was called out of the city of Ur, Seventh-Day Adventists are people issued from all religions and philosophies. Most of them would have loved to remain within their own churches and be agents of change there. However, Allāh’s providence brought them to organize themselves as a movement.
“Seventh-Day” emphasizes Allāh’s true worship as the Creator. The sign of Allāh’s authority is the Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). Seventh-Day Adventists keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath holy, as Jesus, the first Christians, and thousands of people in all centuries and continents have done.
“Adventists” believe that Al Masīh ' Isa ibn Maryam / Jesus Christ (piuh) is coming again soon (Latin adventus: coming). Everyone will see him. Al Masīh ' Isa ibn Maryam / Jesus (piuh) will return to take those who accepted Him in the new world prepared for them by Allāh. Seventh-Day Adventists consider this world as a time of preparation and spiritual struggle, and put all their energies in preparing themselves and others. They believe that death is a sleep until resurrection and destruction of all evil.
What They Believe
- The oneness (tawhīd) of Allāh
- Allāh is perfect Love. Evil comes from Iblīs / the Devil.
- The existence of good and fallen angels.
- Allāh is the Creator. The six-day account of creation has to be taken literally.
- Al Masīh ' Isa ibn Maryam / Jesus Christ (piuh) is not the physical son of Allāh but the One sent from God to mankind, His Mercy (rahmat), to unveil the truth about Allāh, and to remove man´s shame and defilement.
- Salvation from guilt can only happen through accepting Allāh’s grace.
- Grace produces gratefulness that awakes the desire to obey.
- The necessity to start a new life with a new orientation: away from self-centered life into submission to Allāh.
- Baptism is a sign of the beginning of the new life. This sign is only valid if it follows a personal decision.
- The necessity of a daily submission to Allāh.
- Allāh’s Holy Spirit (ar-ruh al-quds) changes our character and will.
- Prayer, contemplation and Bible-reading enable to a deep communion with Allāh.
- The power of prayer.
- The Holy Bible is the unchanged revelation of the will of Allāh.
- Allāh can send prophets after the time of Injīl.
- The Ten Commandments are the expression of Allāh’s character and will.
- Allāh cares about all aspects of our life. He wants us to be happy even though we live in a world of suffering.
- Believers are stewards of Allāh’s gifts such as possessions, money, family, marital life, health, time, and skills.
- Allāh wants to make people free from unclean meat, alcohol, toxic substances, and bad habits.
- The necessity of practicing a healthy life style including nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, pure air, rest, temperance and trust in Allāh.
- The necessity to honor Allāh in one’s behavior by restraining from immoral conduct, movies and gambling.
- The necessity to spend quality time in meditation (dhikr) every day and particularly on Sabbath (sabt).
- The necessity to restore the whole truth and to preach it to the whole world.
- Despite of a falsification and neglect of the authentic message of the Bible, Allāh’s sincere people are in every church and religious group. Seventh-Day Adventists want to cultivate the best possible relationship with others in common projects, prayer partnership and friendly dialogue.
- The prophecies of the Honored Tawrat about Israel apply to Allāh’s people coming from all nations.
- Seventh-Day Adventists respect political authorities, pray for them and with them. They actively contribute in the wellbeing of society.
- The necessity to do one’s best to relieve suffering, regardless of religion.
How They Live
Seventh-Day Adventists are people who have a great hope.
- 19 million adults, estimation of 40 million with children, in over 200 countries
- Biggest educational system among all protestant denominations worldwide
- Wide Health Care system network and leading position in health prevention
- ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) is one of the biggest relief and development agencies worldwide, especially appreciated by Muslim governments
- Pioneers in defending religious liberty and human rights
- Entertains several TV channels such as Hope Channel, 3ABN, or Al-Wa`ad